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Apapach-arte is the shamanic healing art of soothing the soul

Holographic Bioalchemy


The light frequency antidote to C0V!D and spike protein  injury

What is Holographic Bioalchemy? 


Holographic Bioalchemy (HB) is a light frequency healing technology that, among other things, works at a molecular level by building holographic replicas of molecules that are harmful to the physical body, which merge with their physical versions and dissolves them into light. After these holographic molecules are created, their unique frequencies are determined and they  imprinted onto clear quartz crystals. They are then programmed to become activated by practitioner-attunement or self-attunement to the personal frequency of the receiver, and to fuse ONLY with their corresponding physical molecules, if present, and dissolve them into light. If these corresponding physical molecules are not present in the receiver’s body, the holograms are also programmed to dissolve into light, thus causing no harm to the receiver. 


What is the spike protein and why is it important for you to know this?


Let’s start with a few scientific evidence-based facts*:

  • FACT #1: The spike protein is a glycoprotein expressed on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus that causes CoVid). This is the protein that binds to human ACE-2 cell receptors, allowing the virus to inject its genetic material into our cells and turn them into virus-replicating factories (on a side note, viruses cannot self-replicate; they need a living cell to multiply).

  • FACT #2: The spike protein is cytotoxic (i.e., toxic to our cells). This toxicity may cause a host of adverse events, including the following (for a more comprehensive list of adverse effects and links to scientific articles, click here):

    • Cardiovascular effects (e.g., high blood pressure, myocarditis and pericarditis, heart attacks, sudden adult death syndrome, etc.)

    • Neurologic effects (e.g., brain fog, cognitive decline, memory loss, dizziness/fainting, numbness, tinnitus, unexplained nerve pain, optic nerve inflammation, Bell's palsy, facial palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, myelitis, etc.)

    • Thrombotic effects (blood clotting, strokes, transient ischemic attacks, etc.)

    • Immunologic effects (increased susceptibility to infections, including infection by SARS-CoV-2, reactivation of dormant viruses or bacteria, such as herpes and shingles, Epstein-Barr virus, and the bacteria that causes Lyme's disease, and new onset autoimmune conditions such as Graves' disease, systemic lupus erythematosus,  autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases, and neurological autoimmune diseases)

    • Reproductive effects (menstrual irregularities, miscarriage and stillbirth, spike protein accumulation in testicles and ovaries, etc.)

    • Relapse of cancers that were in remission, or sudden onset of particularly aggressive or rare forms of cancer, otherwise known as turbocancers

    • Psychological effects (depression, anxiety, new onset panic disorders, new onset psychosis and delirium, new onset dementia, etc.)

  • FACT #3: The risk of adverse events increases proportionally to the number of shots and boosters received. 

  • FACT #4: The spike protein is what the so-called vaccines instruct your body to produce in order to create an immune response. Simply put, the vaccines make your cells produce a foreign, toxic protein.

  • FACT #5: The spike protein produced as a result of vaccination does not stay at the injection site and may accumulate in other organs of the body. People with long COVID and those post-vaccination may have spike protein circulating in the blood for as long as 15 months.

  • FACT #6: Synthetic mRNA from the vaccines can stay in the body for long periods of time (up to 187 days according to the most recent peer-reviewed study) and continue to produce spike protein in the body.

  • FACT #7: Synthetic mRNA can reverse transcribe into the DNA in your cells. This means that your genome may now include the gene that encodes and/or expresses the spike protein.

  • FACT #8: Vaccine vials have been found to be contaminated with DNA plasmids and SV40 promoters used to manufacture synthetic mRNA. These DNA plasmids have also been found in E. coli bacteria in the gut microbiome, turning them into permanent spike protein factories (one of the potential causes of long Covid). 

  • FACT #9: Just as the virus is shed by people who become infected, vaccine-induced spike protein, synthetic mRNA, DNA plasmids, and SV40 promoters are also shed by vaccinated people to unvaccinated people and pets, and may cause similar effects as if they had been vaccinated themselves.


Does this mean that ALL vaccinated people are still producing and shedding spike protein and other vaccine components? No, it does not.


Does it mean that ALL people (and pets), regardless of vaccination status, will have adverse effects, or that all new onset conditions and/or worsening of pre-existing conditions are caused by the new vaccines? No, it does not.


We are not mathematical equations, and any given product helps or affects each person differently. Also, there is a possibility that you may have gotten a placebo or a vial for which the cold chain was broken, etc.


That said, scientific evidence has shown that the spike protein, whether acquired through viral infection, vaccination, or shedding, IS playing a significant role in new onset conditions and/or worsening of pre-existing conditions, so one evident conclusion is that EVERYONE, regardless of vaccination status, would benefit from clearing it from our bodies.


*Note: All of the above facts have been studied, documented, and published by researchers in reputable, peer-reviewed journals, but the list of articles is simply too extensive to post here. There is, however, a plethora of information out there. You just need to know where to look. Knowing all too well that this can become overwhelming, you can follow my IG, FB, and X (Twitter) accounts, where I regularly post short reels about new scientific evidence supporting new findings. I will also be posting longer articles on my free members area blog.


¿Qué son los hologramas y cómo puedes recibirlos?

The holograms are holographic replicas of specific molecules. These holograms are made of light and are programmed for specific purposes. For example, the viral spike protein hologram binds to your cell receptors to stop the virus from binding to them and infecting your cells. This hologram is programmed to block ONLY the spike protein from binding to your cell receptors, as these receptors play a significat role in regulating blood pressure (among other things).


Another hologram is the vaccine-induced spike protein hologram, which has been programmed to dissolve into light all of the spike protein that your body produced or is still producing after receiving a vaccine, or that is present in your body as a result of shedding. 


​Yo can receive these two hologram by meditating while listening to the sound of this waterfall, where I imprinted these two holograms. Simply breathe and open yourself up to receiving them while you the water flow or you listen to the sound of the waterfall, with the intention of receiving them to help prevent coronavirus infections, and to cleanse and clear the vaccine-induced spike protein from your body. You can also meditate while watching or listening to this video, which also include a solfeggio tone (528 Hz) to help repair DNA. 


These videos may also be used to clear enclosed spaces of the spike protein, such as hotel rooms, public transportation, airplanes, etc. Simply play any of these two videos within the space, again with the intention of clearing the space and all objects found within it.​


While based on current scientific knowledge, EVERYONE, regardless of vaccination status, may benefit from clearing their bodies of the spike protein, THIS UNFORTUNATELY DOES NOT SOLVE THE ACTUAL PROBLEM, as our body may continue to produce the spike protein for an indefinite amount of time, or we may continue to receive the spike protein through shedding.


Thus, the real solution to this problem is to dissolve into light all of the genetic material encoding for the spike protein. Therefore, in order for EVERYONE to stop producing and/or shedding the spike protein, holograms have been created to dissolve into light any genetic material encoding the spike protein, including synthetic modified mRNA, adenoviral DNA, reverse-transcribed DNA, and DNA plasmids. Additionally, a hologram has been created to dissolve the SV40 promoter into light, a cancer-causing component that was recently found in one brand of vaccines.


All of these holograms are imprinted on clear quartz crystals that you will attune to your own personal frequency so they will only work for you and for your uniquely specific case. Once attuned, you will use this crystal to charge distilled water with these holograms and drink this water regularly. For self-attunement instructions, scroll down or clic here.


A Three-Fold Effect 

The holograms imprinted on the crystals may: 

  1. Prevent the actual virus from latching on to your cell receptors by filling these receptors with the Spike Protein Hologram™. This hologram may prevent binding of viral spike protein in the event that you should become exposed to it, but allows ACE2 receptors to bind to other molecules as necessary for proper physiological functioning. It may also help to prevent you from developing Covid following exposure to the virus, or to reduce its severity by potentially reducing viral replication and viral load should you become infected; 

  2. Dissolve any spike protein you may have due to viral infection, may have produced or still be producing as a result of vaccination, or may have acquired as a result of shedding; 

  3. Dissolve any residual spike-protein-encoding synthetic mRNA, reverse-transcribed DNA, adenoviral DNA, and DNA plasmids, as well as SV40 promoters acquired through vaccination or shedding, so your body will stop producing and shedding the spike protein.


These holograms are specifically designed to provide an ongoing clearing of non-self genetic materials and spike protein. If you feel that you have suffered or are suffering from side effects, you are welcome to join the Holographic Bioalchemy™ Group Sessions to receive the healing tool and guide it with your intention to bring your body back into its natural, original vibrational frequency and help your body remember how to heal itself and maintain a state of natural health and balance. For more information, click on Services at the top of this page, or go to Sessions to book an HB Group Transmission. Use the code FIRSTSESSIONFREE to receive your first group session for free.


If you have any questions or would like more information, you can also schedule a free 30-min Discovery Call on Zoom here.


Why do you need to attune the crystals?

Everything and everyone has a unique frequency or energetic signature, and these holograms have been programmed for you to attune them to your own, unique personal frequency. On the one hand, the hologram crystals need to be attuned because the genetic material holograms are programmed to become activated only if they have been attuned to the personal frequency of the receiver. On the other hand, this attunement to your personal frequency makes your chosen crystal work only for you and your unique, specific case, and enhances its effect by adding your intention to and participation in your own healing process. Alternatively, I can also attune them to your personal frequency for you, upon request. 


Infused with Divine Love and Light 

To take care of not only the physical aspects, but also, the more energetic or spiritual aspects taking place, the crystals are also infused with Buddhist mantras for healing and protection, as well as the Kabbalistic Name of G-d for Miracle Making.








Kabbalistic Name of G-d for Making Miracles

How much do the crystals cost?

The hologram crystals are shipped as a gift in exchange for a voluntary donation. They are sent in packets of 9 crystals each. You only need one crystal per person, and they are programmed to not lose their charge, so one crystal will last you a lifetime. 


The voluntary donation covers the cost of the crystals, packaging materials, postage, and the time needed to imprint the holograms into the crystals, and to package, prepare, and label them for shipment. The holograms in and of themselves are free of cost and this needs to stay that way. It has been very clear to me from the very beginning that no one, not even I, can profit from this, as they will otherwise lose their effectiveness. Therefore, when sharing extra crystals with family or friends, please do not resell them and only share them as a gift.


 Thank you for honoring this request.


DISCLAIMER: None of the information contained herein has been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is provided for informational purposes only and it must not be used to replace professional medical advice. Any information provided herein should NOT be considered complete or relied upon in diagnosing or treating any medical condition. If you suspect you may have a disease or condition, you must consult a licensed medical provider for a diagnosis or specific questions about health issues.

Self-Attunement Instructions

Summarized instructions for Self-attunement of Holographic Bioalchemy Crystals

Required materials:

  1. Crystals in their holographic pouch

  2. Timer

  3. White candle and incense, singing bowl or bell (optional, but recommended)

  4. Clean plastic plate and plastic gloves (or any other object you feel called to use, other than your bare hands, to spread the crystals on the plate)

  5. Plastic or glass water bottle/jar with a lid

  6. Triple-distilled water, distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or deionized water (in this order of preference)


Step-by-step instructions for attuning the hologram to your personal frequency:

  1. Set a timer for three minutes, but do not start the timer just yet.

  2. Light a white candle and some incense, sound your singing bowl or bell, call in God/Spirit/Source, your angels, your Spirit guides and helpers, your power animals or any other high vibrational frequency beings you have a connection with, and ask them to help you create a sacred space for this crystal attunement ceremony.

  3. Open the holographic pouch and empty the crystals onto a clean plastic plate.

  4. Using a plastic glove or any other object (i.e., anything but your bare hand), spread the crystals out and have each person pick out the one that calls out to them the most. (For attuning crystals for infants/toddlers or pets, please see Step 7).

  5. Place your chosen crystal on the palm of your left hand, and start the timer.

  6. Place your right hand over your left hand, aligning your hand chakras. Connect to your heart center and try to sense the energy of the crystal in your hand. With your full, heart-centered intention, ask for the holograms imprinted on the crystal to become attuned to your own, unique personal frequency.

  7. For attuning crystals to the unique frequency of your baby/toddler or pet, follow Steps 1-6, but with your other hand placed on your baby/toddler or pet, with the clear intention of attuning the holograms to your baby/toddler’s or pet’s unique frequency only. After 3 minutes have passed, with your intention, remove your energy from the crystal and then proceed with Step no. 8.

  8. After 3 minutes have passed, place the crystal in a lidded plastic or preferably glass jar, such as a mason jar, shake it vigorously, tap it three times to remove your own energy from the water, and let it stand overnight. If two or more members of your household will be attuning their own crystals, you can either keep them in separate jars labeled with their own name, or you can place all the crystals in your tabletop water filter, as they will only receive the holograms that have been attuned to their personal frequency and will not be harmed by those that have been attuned to another person’s unique frequency.

  9. Fill your drinking water bottle with this water and drink it on a regular basis, with the clear intention and knowing that the spike protein holograms will ONLY block the binding of spike protein to your cell receptors (i.e., any other proteins that need to bind to those cell receptors for the correct functioning of your body will continue to do so), and that all six holograms will ONLY replace and dissolve into light any and all variants of spike protein, synthetic mRNA, and DNA encoding for spike protein that are present in your physical, energy, and auric bodies, if and only if this is for your highest good, with harm to no one, yourself included. Amen, so it is, and give thanks.



  • If you have any leftover crystals that you will not be using at this time, using a plastic glove or a spoon (again, anything but your bare hands), return them to the holographic pouch and close the zip lock.

  • The best water substrate to use is triple-distilled water, but this may be hard to come by unless you have a water distiller at home. The second best choice is distilled water (readily available in supermarkets and drugstores), followed by reverse osmosis-purified water or deionized water. Please do not use tap water for charging.

  • When transferring the charged water to your drinking bottle, try to leave a little bit of water in the jar. The crystal is programmed to not lose its charge when submerged in water, but considering that water is nature’s prime cleanser, it is a good idea to leave a little bit of charged water every time you transfer the water to your water bottle. Charged water will recharge fresh water, and this way, you will have a lifetime supply of water charged with the holograms, even if the crystal should eventually lose its charge.

  • Remember to vigorously shake and tap the water jar/bottle every time you add fresh water to it.


Ideas for using leftover crystals:


If you have any leftover crystals that were not attuned to a specific person or pet, you can:

  • Share them with your friends and family who may be open to attuning them to their personal frequency and using them.

  • Drop one in your water filter, so any guests that come over to your house may receive the Spike Protein Hologram™, if and only if their soul is ready and open to receiving it, and if and only if it is for their highest good, with harm to no one, including them.

  • Use water charged with a “generic” (i.e., non-attuned) crystal to water your plants.

  • Place one in a tabletop water fountain to clear your environment.

  • Drop one in a nearby body of freshwater.

  • Get creative and let me know if you come up with any other ideas!


One final important note:

When sharing extra crystals with others, please do not mark up the cost. You can choose to either share them as gifts or re-sell them for the exact price you paid for them. The minimum suggested energy exchange includes the cost of the crystals, packaging materials, postage, and the time needed to imprint the holograms into the crystals, and package, prepare, and label them for shipment. The holograms in and of themselves are free of cost and this needs to stay that way. It has been very clear to me from the beginning that no one, not even I, can profit from this, as they will otherwise lose their effectiveness.


 Thank you for honoring this request.

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