All services are offered remotely as live online or absentee sessions, in English or Spanish.
In-person sessions may be provided at my Highland Mills, NY location upon special request. Please contact me via email at info@apapach-arte.com to schedule an in-person appointment.

Shamanic Healing Arts
My offerings in the Shamanic Healing Arts include:
Egg Cleansings & Readings ("limpia de huevo")
Entity and Attachment Removal
Energetic Blockage Removal (for legal proceedings, property sales, etc.)
Space Clearings (remote absentee sessions only)
Removal of Black Magic, Hexes, Curses, and Bindings
Cord-Cutting / Contract-Breaking Ceremonies
Light Ceremonies
Soul Retrievals
Shamanic Journeying
Past-Life Regressions
Traditional Reiki, Shamanic Reiki & Divine Buddhic Light
Therapeutic Tarot Readings
Upon scheduling a session, you will receive an optional intake form for you to fill out, which I will read and discuss with you at the beginning of our session. Provided you feel comfortable doing so, I will also ask you to send me a fully-clothed, full-body selfie taken with your phone's timer, so only your energy is imprinted on the photo. Except for Space Clearings, all initial Shamanic Healing sessions are approximately 2 hours long, and start with an egg cleansing and reading, as a means to get more information about your specific situation and needs. If time allows during the initial session, after your subtle energy bodies have been cleared, rebalanced, and reharmonized, I will make use of other Shamanic techniques to help resolve or gain deeper insights into the underlying causes. If time does not allow for this, then you may book a returning client session, at your own pace, whenever you feel ready to take a deeper dive into your own healing process. For remote absentee sessions, I do require an initial 15-minute video call either sometime before or at the beginning of your scheduled session, as well as a fully-clothed, full-body selfie. After the remote absentee session is completed, you will receive an audio recording detailing what came through during the session. If after listening to the audio recording you would like to discuss this further, you will need to book an additional 45-minute follow-up call.

Frequency Medicine
Frequency Medicine (also known as electromagnetic therapy or EMT) is an alternative healing modality that was first developed by American physician Albert Abrams in the early 1900s, and has increasingly become a field of interest with new discoveries made in the realm of quantum physics. It uses intuition, intention, and energetics to heal underlying illnesses and support inner balance.
Frequency Medicine is based on the premise that everything that is, is energy, and everything vibrates at a rate that is specific to its components. Every single person, every single thing, every single word, and even every single thought has a natural, unique frequency or set of frequencies at which they vibrate. When these frequency waves are altered due to external or internal causes, they create imbalances that lead to 'dis'-ease, which may be treated by reversing these altered frequency waves to their original, natural state of balance.
It can be practiced from a distance and is completely non-invasive, thanks to an innovative electromagnetic approach that uses the physics of quantum entanglement to tune into your body’s needs and make adjustments from afar. Because all things have energetic fields and vibrate at a unique rate, frequency medicine can be used to improve health in humans, animals, plants, soil, and crops; copy the frequencies of any kind of substances, such as homeopathic remedies, and imprint them on different substrates; remove the negative effects of compounds while keeping only their positive effects; rid the human body, pets, or even entire crops of pathogens or pests; and even create protective energetic domes around your aura or your entire home... imagination is the limit. Incorporating frequency medicine into my practice as a Shamanic healer has allowed me to apply and make use of my scientific and musical backgrounds in my work as an energy healer, through which I have developed a unique approach combining science, sound, and spirituality. In Frequency Medicine, operators use different devices (ranging anywhere from pendulums, dowsing rods, coils, pyramidal shapes, tuning forks, singing bowls, and solfeggio tones, all the way up to TENS, near-infrared light, electro-acupressure, radiofrequency, scalar energy, radionics, and psychotronics devices, among many others) to detect the finest vibrations or radiatory activity, which are very sensitive extensions of their own human antennae. The unique attribute that is common to all of these devices is that they are operator-dependent, meaning that the operator’s intent while using these devices is needed to produce the desired results. Seasoned Frequency Medicine practitioners can also detect and rebalance these frequencies without the use of external tools or devices. In the field of energy healing, it is well known that the more the practitioner knows about a specific subject, the more precise their findings will be, and given my background as a Biochemical Engineer, I have a deep understanding of how things work (or should work) at the cellular and molecular level. This gives me a unique vantage point when doing research to find the root cause underlying your physical symptoms, and believe me when I tell you, I LOVE doing research. I do not presume to know the cause of every single disease known to humankind (the fact of the matter is, not even medical doctors know what causes many diseases), but I will do extensive research on your unique set of symptoms and medical diagnoses, and combine this with my knowledge of frequency medicine and my magic as a Shamanic Healer to prepare a personalized treatment, just for you. Pharmaceuticals are wonderful life-savers for emergency situations, but other than that, most of them do more harm than good. They will take away a few symptoms, at best, masking instead of curing the underlying imbalance, all while producing undesirable side effects to a lesser or greater extent in most individuals. I am not a medical doctor, but I am pretty sure some of them do not even read the full prescribing information when following protocols for prescribing drugs to their patients. Case in point, a friend of mine who had a recurrence of cancer after receiving the new gene therapy products was prescribed immunotherapy in addition to a different kind of chemotherapy. I found out, from an ad on TV, that the immunotherapy she had been prescribed could not be given to patients with a history of autoimmune disease. She is now cancer-free for the third time in a 3-year period, but her autoimmune disease was reactivated and she is now struggling to get rid of excruciating pain and recover the use of her left arm. Full disclosure: For most physical ailments, I will try to persuade you to seek alternative non-pharmaceutical routes by walking you through the full prescribing information and potential side effects of any of your medications, so you can, at the very least, make a better informed decision. However, if it is not advisable or you are not ready to discontinue your prescription medications, I will meet you where you are at, and I will help you find a combination of alternative and conventional treatments that is right for you. It is simply about combining the best of all worlds. Just as one very simple example, I have helped a number of clients using frequency medicine to remove the negative side effects of their medications, while keeping the positive ones. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine had gifted her cousin a remote absentee clearing session with me when she learned he had cancer. After I sent him the report, he called me and said he would like to have a live online session, but he couldn’t at that time because he was scheduled to receive his fifth round of chemotherapy the following day. I asked him to send me the list of medications he was going to receive, and I determined and then broadcast the frequencies to remove the side effects of these medications, while keeping the positive ones for three days, starting on the day of his scheduled medical treatment. He sent me a voice message exactly three days later, and said, “I don’t know what you did, but it’s like magic. I felt no side effects at all, this time around.”

Holographic Bioalchemy
Originally retrieved in January 2021 to help with Covid-19, Holographic Bioalchemy™ is a light frequency healing tool that I have been developing since then, combining my knowledge of biochemistry with my experience in light frequency healing to help eliminate the cause(s) of imbalances or 'dis'-ease. Although this tool mainly focuses on healing the physical body, it also works at other, more subtle levels.
Starting at a molecular level, Holographic Bioalchemy™ (HB) is an intelligent energy that works from the bottom up by repairing anything that needs to be repaired, dissolving into light anything that is non-self, and building holographic versions of any substances your body may be needing for its optimal functioning. It also communicates with your DNA to help it remember which genes to turn on or off so your body can remember how to heal itself to return to its natural, original state, and maintain its resonance with your own unique harmonious vibrational frequency.
This healing tool is offered as individual or group sessions lasting 45-60 minutes, with the only difference being that in an individual session, we will be focusing exclusively on your specific needs. Each session starts with creating sacred space and a gentle clearing of your physical, energy, and subtle bodies, followed by activating and balancing your main chakras. Then, you will receive this healing tool and attune it to your own, unique personal frequency to allow the healing process to begin.
If you would like more information, you can book a free, 30-min Discovery Call over Zoom here, or if you would like to try out a group session, you can sign up here and enter the discount code FIRSTSESSIONFREE, so you can see if it's a right fit for you.
For more information on how the holograms designed using this tool can help with ALL things related to Covid, including injuries caused by the injections and shedding, please click on this button:
Para información en español sobre cómo los hologramas diseñados con esta herramienta pueden ayudar con todo lo relacionado con Covid, incluidos los efectos adversos de las inyecciones y el "shedding", haz clic en el siguiente botón: